Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Post

Howdy Blogger's,

This is my first post here on blogger so, I feel I should share a little about myself and what I plan on blogging about.

My name is Rita. I am happily married for going on 3 years now. I have one beautiful baby girl who is 18 months old. I am currently a SAHM and plan on being just that until Khloey( My daughter ) starts school. I love cooking, photography, church, the beach, and lots more.

I started a blog to blog about everyday life and also share recipes I have made up myself or have tryed from someone else. I hope to meet some new people and read some wonderful blogs along my way.

Today had been a wonderful day. Me, My hubby, and daughter got up, went and got breakfast, and then grocery shopped a bit. Got home around lunch time had some lunch and put Khloey down for her nap and cleaned house and started watching a movie on netflix (Tornado Ally). It is a really good movie so far but we have not got to finish it (hopfully when Khloey goes to bed). Got to skype with my In-Laws today.

They live in NE and we live in NC. So, thats our way of keeping in touch and making sure that they are a big part of Khloeys life (she enjoys talking and seeing them on cam).

God Bless,
Momma Koehler

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