Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Sorry I have not posted in a few day! I just wanted to stop by and fill yaw in! One of my friend's moved to NC from GA so I helped her get settled into her house!

Today has been a pretty good day. It's a billion degrees outside it feels like to me! I am so ready for FALL, WINTER, & SPRING! I think its a blessing to have 1 HOT season and 3 Cooler/Cold seasons lol!

Some recipe's that are coming up the rest of this week is...
1. Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Mini Meat Loaf's & Potato AuGrautin
3. Chicken $ Rice Casserole

Hope everyone has a blessed day! I will be posting the Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe tonight!

Here is a couple pics of my Monkey enjoy some Water Mellon to cool down!

God Bless,
Mamma Koehler

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