Friday, August 6, 2010


Good Morning,

Just stopping in. I am so glade that it is Friday. We didn't get the all the rain I was hopping for yesterday but we got a little. Plans for today are Grocery Shopping, Washing Laundry, Sweeping, Moping, and Vacuuming. Then tonight one for my good friends is coming over for Pizza night! So tomorrow keep your eyes peeled for 3 Pizza Recipes that I mentioned in my last post! Really excited about making them. I have made the Cheeseburger Pizza ever sense I could cook. But the Buffalo Chicken & Apple Pie Pizza's are new for me :D!

Saturday me and hubby are going to go on a date. Early in the morning we are going to take off and go to the beach. This will be the first time we have been without Khloey sense she has been born. Kind of a bitter sweet moment I guess you could say. I am not sure if it is just me or maybe all moms but I feel so guilty when I go out by myself w/o my baby girl. But as my mom has explained to me its good for her and me to have some time apart from each other because she is very attached me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and BLESSED weekend. I am sure it will fly by so blink as little and possible and enjoy it to its fullest.

God Bless,
Mamma Koehler

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