Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone has had a great and safe Labor Day weekend. We had a pretty good weekend. I had Savanah and Melanie until Sunday morning. They are my cousins kids I consider them my nieces tho being I am an only child that's as close as I can get. Friday we went over to a friends house had supper and swam but of course something unexpected had to happen right? Well I was not planning on swimming changed my mind last min and got in with my clothes on lol. About 30 minutes in I notice my darn cell phone is in my pocket :/. So its in Cell Phone heaven along with the other 12 billion I have messed up. Not to mention I have only had this phone 3 months :/. Anyways lol. Saturday we went to Monkey Joe'sand had a little Bon-Fire Saturday night, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows boy did the kids enjoy that.

My hubby is off to work today so we are just being lazy souls while Khloey naps. I have some recipes to look froward to.
- Tonight I am making a Broccoli & Cheese Rice Casserole to got with just some Oven BBQ Chicken. Got it from my Aunt and its amazing she makes it every Thanksgiving.
- Tomorrow night I am making Slow Cooker Chicken and Gravy over Rice & Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits.
- Also this weekend going to me making a copy cat version of Taco Bells Chicken Quesadillas.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of there Labor Day! Here are some pics of our weekend :D!

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