Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting to Feel Like Fall :0!

Hey everyone,

The first day of Fall was September 22nd but it did not feel like fall at all here. I think we were in the mid to high 90's BLAH! But I am happy to announce the it is looking up for us! It has been raining here sense about 5ish Yesterday afternoon and not suppose to be letting up til mid day tomorrow then calling for another round on Wednesday :D! I am loving it:D! With temps ranging upper 70's to low 80's this week its going to be a great!

We have a lot of things to look forward to here in the Koehler house hold! Starting October 2nd my husband will be on Vacation for 9 whole DAYS! Also on the 2nd is our Annual Roadry Parade & Fair here in our town! Starting with a Parade at 10:30 and Continuing with Great food, Music, Booth's, Rides, and LOTS of FUN! This will be Khloey's 1st because that time last year we were in Nebraska visiting my in law's :D! Can't wait to share all the fun and excitement with her!

Also some other fun events coming up in the month of October is 3rd getting our carpet ripped up and laying laminate flooring in the living room, hall, & bathroom:)---- 10th our Annual Church Harvest Day---- 24th is our Annual Church Trunk or Treat :)!

I am sure you all have some great plans from now until the first of the year! I love this time of year great once a year recipes, lots of family time, great weather, I mean how can you not enjoy it.

On another note I wanted to let you all know that I will be posting some blogs this week but no recipes because I have not camera. My camera got messed up so when I get another hopefully by Friday I can then start posting recipes again! I know I could post without picture but I believe that the pictures help so much and I rather now post without the pictures!

I hope everyone is well! Feel free to comment would love to hear of the plans you and your family are having in the month of October :D!

God Bless You & Your Family's,
Mamma Koehler!

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