Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kicked Up Baked Beans

Hey everyone. Long time no blog. Just been spending a lot of family time with my husband and daughter here lately. I have been cooking tho.

We have been going to a lot of Festivals. Went to the one here in town. Then we also went to a street fair and had some wonderful BBQ Ribs. And this past weekend we went to The Sorghum Festival. I love Festivals, parades, and fairs soo much!

The State Fair in Raleigh, NC is going on now. Even tho I would love to go I am thinking we will leave that for when my daughter can enjoy it a little more :)! This weekend we are having our Annual Trunk or Treat at church :)! Khloey is going to be Dorthy this year soo cute!

My Husband is starting to work is butt off. There work picks up during the Holidays its a good thing Financial wise but I hate seeing him so wore out and tired all the time! My mother is on Vacation this week so Me & Khloey have been spending lots of time with her which we LOVE!

Can you all believe how Close the Holidays are?

10 Days til Halloween!

37 Days til Thanksgiving!
Glitter Graphics

Thanksgiving Glitters

67 Days til Christmas!

100 Days til KHLOEY TURNS 2!

Kicked Up Baked Beans

- 1 Meduim Size can of baked beans. (I use Bushes Country Style)
- 1 Tablespoon of Mustard
- 1 Tablespoon of Ketchup
- 1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon of Steak Sauce *A1*
- 1 Small Onion; chopped
- 1 Small Bell Pepper; chopped
- 2 Cloves Garlic; minced
- 2 Teaspoons Olive Oil
- 10 Pieces of Thick Sliced Bacon

How To:
1. Mix together Baked Beans, Mustard, Ketchup, Brown Sugar, and Steak Sauce together in a casserole dish.

2. Saute Garlic, Onions, and Bell Pepper in two teaspoons of Olive Oil. Just until soft. About 3-5 mins.

3. Mix Saute into Baked Beans.

4. Layer bacon on top.

5. Back at 375 until Bacon is Crispy. About 25 to 30 mins really depending on the oven!!

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