Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November Everyone!

So, its November! Can you believe it? I sure can NOT! 2010 has been the fastest year yet it seems! Have not posted in awhile so I wanted to blog a bit today! Not much has been going on same old same ole! We enjoyed Trunk or Treat @ Church, Went to a Fall Festival at a Neighboring Church, and Last night we went to a couple of peoples house we knew to let Khloey Trick or Treat! She ENJOYED it so much even tho she really does not like candy all that much! Also on the 29th I went with one of our Neighboring Church's to The Judgment House! It was very amazing and very moving! We had two out of our group that got saved! And I am so happy for them both!

Only 23 more days until....

For Thanksgiving every year we go to my Aunt Renita's house and have Thanksgiving lunch! Everyone is assigned there certain items and we all meet there eat till we are busting and just enjoy the conversation and company! My items are Baked Mac & Cheese, Butter Bean's, & Butter Pecan Cake(This was my dessert I decided to make this year NEVER made it)!

I have recently picked up a new craft. Crocheting. And I have to admit I am in LOVE! Its such a calming and very relaxing craft! I have made Khloey a beanie! & I am working on granny squares to make her a blanket :D!

Hmmm... I think that's about all to share at the moment! I have decide to past our supper menu up here this week! I will try to do it every Monday but you know how that goes! So no promises!

Week November 1-5

Monday- Smocked Sausage & Onion's(NEW), and (Low Cal) Baked Mac & Cheese(NEW)!

Tuesday- (NEW)Chicken & Stuffing Casserole (I saw this on a blog I follow but can not remember which one but I will share that with you when I post the recipe) and Easy Peasy Potato's & Onions(NEW - My recipe)!

Wednesday- Spaghetti

Thursday- Crock Pot Shepard's Pie(NEW)

Friday- Out to eat w/ The Hubby (we are going Christmas shopping :D)

Here are some Halloween Pics!

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