Monday, November 15, 2010

Menu For Nov 15th-21st!

This past week I done pretty good staying on Menu. Did not get to prepare the Ding Dong Cake but I am sure I will get to that at later date. So on to this week's menu.

Monday(Tonight)- It's going to be Baked Chicken Thighs(You can use one in and skin on or the total opposite Skinless & Bonless. Sprinkle with paprika, salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder. Drizzle with a little EVOO and bake at 375 for 20 to 30 mins or until juices run clear.) Side: Broccoli & Cheese, and Home Fries! Dessert Something with Pecans :)

Tuesday- Cheese Burger Steaks*NEW* and Homemade Onion Rings*NEW*

Wednesday- Thanksgiving Meal @ Church. I am making a cake. I will share the recipe. Not sure which I am making yet.

Thursday- Breakfast for supper. Homemade Butter Milk Biscuits*NEW* Eggs & Cheese. Link Sausage.

Friday- Christmas Tree Shopping. So we will be eating out that night.

Saturday- Roasted Chicken Breast, Broccoli & Cheese Casserole

Sunday- TBA

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was pretty good. Went to the park and for the most part just relaxed at home. Looking forward to this coming up weekend. We are going Christmas Tree Shopping sense last year we decided to throw out Christmas Tree out. It had seen better days lol.

This weekend I also go the energy to rake the yard. We have a pecan tree that my grandpa planted about 15 old years ago. As I raked I decided to pick up the pecans as well to see how they produced and if they were any good to eat. They were in great shape. So we got about 5 cups worth of fresh pecans. MMMM. As we shelled them Khloey decide to take a bite and she fell in love with them. I'm glade we could savage them. So don't be surprise if I pop up a few pecan recipes this week.

Today, I am babysitting my friends baby. Her name is Kamryn. She is six months and just so precious. Khloey has enjoyed having her here she is such a baby lover and loves to help.
This is miss Kamryn & Khloey

Any-way's that's about all I got to chat about right now! Going to go relax a little bit sense most of my house work is finished for today :)! Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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