Monday, December 27, 2010

Best Christmas Ever

Happy 2 days after Christmas Everyone,

Our Christmas was great and I hope everyone else's was as well. Downer the Christmas Dinner I made did not get documented :(. So maybe at a later date I can share those recipes. Upside the day after Christmas we got 8 inches of SNOW... IN North Carolina!!! It is beautiful outside but I am ready to see it go. We were without power yesterday for about 7 hours. Thank god we have it back now. We did go out and play in it yesterday and built a snow man but now I am just ready for it to be gown lol. Having to slip and slide everywhere is just no fun but as I said before it is a beautiful site!

4 Days til the 2011! Are you ready? What are some of your new years resolutions?
As for me I just want to worry less and enjoy life more. I am such a worry wort and I would like to put a bit of that aside this year and fully enjoy the adventures in life. Leave the ones that try to bring me down in life and surround my self with the ones that love and care for me the most. I also would like to get all of my pictures in Albums and some in flames and on the walls. There is prolly a few others but those are the ones that come to mind at this moment.

Recipes to come later today *AFTER I CLEAN*

One Dish Chicken & Rice Bake
Sweet & Sour Meatballs

Yet another menu: This is the Menu for this week...

Monday*Today*- Hubby's Choice (I think Meatloaf & Mac & Cheese)
Tuesday- Chicken & Pastry, Garden Peas
Wednesday- Smothered Baked Chicken Legs, & Rice, Green Beans
Thursday- Fried Drummer's & Homemade BBQ Sauce
Friday- Out!
Christmas w/ The Koehler's

Snow Day w/ The Koehler's

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