Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Days Til Christmas!!!!!

Good Mid-Day Everyone,

I hope everyone had a great Pre-Christmas Weekend. Ours was good. Friday we done a little shopping and had supper at Ruby Tuesdays! Then Saturday I went with some Family to the Mall and we ate at a Japanese Restaurant and it was AHMAZING!

Sunday we had the Christmas Play at church it was so cute! I will post pictures of Khloey she was an angel J

5 nights & 4 Days til Christmas. I am very excited. I don’t want to rush it because it will be over in an instant but I just can’t wait til it is here lol. On the 24th the Family will be coming her for some finger foods, gift opening, and just good ole quality family time together! Then our Christmas Day will be spent at home Just me, My Mom, Josh*My Husband*, & Khloey. We will get up Start a skype call with My In-Laws and proceed with Opening gifts and such. We want them to be as much a part of Khloey’s Christmas day as possible so they get to enjoy seeing her opening her gifts as do we! After that my cooking will begin! We will eat, nap, eat, nap! J Sooooo Looking forward to it!

I am going to post another Menu Update! I think starting next month I will go back to doing a weekly Menu cause I change my mind too much to do a monthly Menu lol!

The Rest of December Menu LOL…
1. Cheese Burger Turn Over’s*New* & Corn
2. One Dish Chicken & Rice Bake*New* & Garden Peas
3. Hamburger & Potato Casserole*New*
4. Chicken Alfredo Bake*New*
5. Christmas Eve: Sweet & Sour Meatballs*NEW*, Stuffed Piggy’s in A Blanket*New*, A Sweet *Not sure what yet*
6. Christmas Day: -Breakfast/Brunch- Breakfast Pastries*New*, Dinner: Pork Loin, Ham, Giblet Gravy, Rice, Lima Beans, Yams, Spaghetti Corn Casserole, Biscuits Dessert: Lemon Cake*New*
7. Leftover’s

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