Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Hump Day


Not sure about everyone else but the week has pretty much flew by to me. I feel rather chatty this morning with only a 23 month old to talk to so I thought I would blog hey why not?

Well guys & gals my baby is officially turning 2 on the 27th of January. As exciting as it is it's equally as sad. It feels like only yesterday I was buckling her into her car seat to come home from the Hospital :'(. The past 2 years have gown by in the blink of an eye. She is getting so independent and very strong willed. Basically its her way or no way at all. She loves to be bossy and people are like you think its cute now but just wait lol. Well I will just wait cause it is TOO cute when she gives you the evil eye and spits out some jibber jabber in a what she thinks is a strong voice. I thought the day I had her that I could never love her more then I did then at the moment because I didn't think there was a love stronger then that. Boy was I wrong. Its like I love her more and more by the day. I often sit and think if she will ever realize how much I love her.

Anyways, let me wipe these tears and get off the mushy stuff. I have planned her party for January 29th. Last year it snow and I had to change the date 3 times so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it does not do anything to ruin it this year. The Theme this year is Monkey. I call her monkey and its pink and green so it just fit the bill. I am not sure on what food items there will be at the moment. I am thinking little finger sandwich's and stuff like that. Any ideas comment and let me know I will take all the help I can get. Her cake of course will be a a monkey head or at least that's what I will be going for. Going to make a Rainbow cake recipe I found a few months back should be super cute. Really looking forward to celebrating just not do the reality that she is going to be TWO!

Well let me go cook breakfast! I'll be posting a recipe or two later! Plan on making a Cake today with my Kitchen Aid Mixer that my mom bought me for Christmas! Hope everyone has a great day and a Happy New Year!!!

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