Monday, January 10, 2011

Cheeseburger Soup

So, the other night I am laying in bed and caught a episode of Diners, Drive ins and Dives. Well on there this lady was making Cheese burger soup but she put lettuce and tomato inside of it and well it made me nauseous lol. So, I made some MY WAY! This is sooo good and using the right ingredients not so bad on your waste line either! We served this with some store bought bake in the oven corn hush puppies such an awesome pair! My mouth is literally watering just thinking about this lol! I may have to have one more bowl before I head to bed. I only add onions but you could also add some green pepper and other veggies as well if that's what you like! But I just decide to keep it simple and easy and it really is great! Hope you enjoy!

Rita's Cheeseburger Soup

1 Lb Lean Ground Beef; Browned
4 Large Red Potato's; Diced in bit size pieces & Boiled for 5 to 7 mins(just til a little tender)
3 T butter
1 large onion; Diced
3 cloves or garlic; Minced
2 Cans Cream of Cheddar soup
2 Cans 99% Fat Free Beef Broth *I buy the carton and just pour it in my Cheddar soup cans to measure it*
Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Boil Potato's, Brown Beef, & Set Aside.

2. Saute Onions in Butter til translucent, add in minced garlic and saute for 1 min. Set aside

3. In a Bowl add Cream of Cheddar soup and Beef Broth.

4. In a large pot add sauteed onions & garlic, Cheddar soup mixture, & Potato's & Beef. Mix. Bring to a boil. Turn to low. & let simmer for 30 mins steering every 10 mins or so!

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