Monday, January 17, 2011

I am so lazy lol... Menu Plan

Hey everyone,

I have quit a few recipes to share I just have to get them on here. I am in the mist of cleaning right now so I will get them added about lunch time tomorrow. There will be a Banana Bread recipe with with nuts and one with chocolate chips. Also there will be a Lemon Pound Cake recipe. A few other's BLT's, and Sloppy Joe Mac :)! So those will be the ones posted tomorrow.

Other news. My daughter will be 2 in 10 days. Her party is in 12 :0! So, that's been the main thing keeping me busy. We are doing the Monkey Theme which I have probably told you before but excuse me I am a little scatter headed lol. I have finally figured out the menu. We are having Make your Own Sub station, Chips, Dip, Doodles, A Macaroni Salad, Fruit, & Veggie Tray! & Of course the cake & ice cream! We bought a indoor ball pit for the little bitty kiddos. And will have puzzles, coloring books, and a craft for the bigger kids to enjoy. I am so excited.

Other news me & Khloey joined a play group. We are so excited about that as well. We have our first event coming on the 26th!

Sorry about no menu plan last week but here is this week's

Monday: Oven Baked Pork Chops, Butter Beans, and Rice.
Tuesday: One Dish Chicken & Rice Bake(
Wednesday: Supper @ Church
Thursday: Puffed Piggy's New!
Friday: Pizza Night & Salad

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