Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 23rd - 29th Weekly Menu Plan

Hello Everyone,

So today is good ole Saturday. Not being so go to me I have to say. My husband is at work to 4pm. I am really hoping this working Saturday’s stops soon its just so stressful and I hate he has to work SOO hard he deserves a whole weekend to rest. He got a new position so we are hoping once he switches his hours will be more reasonable. Tonight after he gets home. We are going to get ready and we are going to go Bowling with a Friend and her Boyfriend. Really looking forward to it!

Other then that. The weather suck as I mention in a previous blog. Its darn cold, 34 to be exact BRRRR. Suppose to have a of 25 tonight. Calling for some wintery weather. I am hope it is not much and is gone by Saturday. I have been working on my Daughters 2nd Birthday for over a month and everything is going so well I just do not want anything to ruin it or make we have to reschedule! So if you will help me pray it waits til after her Birthday Party is over!

Depending on weather this week we are suppose to go to our first Play Date Meeting on Wednesday. Looking forward to that. Then Khloeys Birthday is Thursday. I honestly can not believe my baby is going to be 2. I know you hear the whole “Oh, it feels like just yesterday I was bringing her home” all too much. But it is so true. It does no feel like I have been raising this amazing child for 2 years! Friday she has Shots, and her Well Baby check up. Or should I say Big Girl Check up :’(. I can’t wait to see how much she has grown sense last time at her 18 month Check up.

In Food this week I am trying some new recipes. I am excited to share them with you. So here is our Menu this Week.

“January 23rd - 29th Weekly Menu”

Sunday- Easy Pepper Steak*NEW* & Vegetable Fried Rice*NEW*
Monday- One Dish Chicken & Rice Bake, Garden Peas
Tuesday- Baked BBQ Pork Chops*NEW*, Baked Potato Casserole*NEW*, Green Beans
Wednesday- Spaghetti w/ The Strickland Sauce, Corn on the Comb
Thursday- Chinese Chicken Satay*NEW*, Broccoli Mac & Cheese*NEW*
Friday- Salad & Chicken Nuggets, *WENDYS* Lol
Saturday- My Daughter Birthday Party so we will be eating Subs, Macaroni Salad*NEW*, Fruit & Veggies, Cake & Ice Cream

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