Monday, March 7, 2011

Menu Plan: March 7th - 13th

Its Monday Yaw,

I have it has treated you all very well. It has been pretty good to me. Got some much needed cleaning done. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY, My cousin-in-law is having her 3rd baby girl! They are inducing her at 8am in the morning so before tomorrow is over Ms. Elizabeth Diane Naylor will be here! I am extremely excited because I get to be present during the birth this time. I missed it last time because I was having surgery the day she went in labor. Well its time to go start supper! Here is your Menu Plan!

Have a Blessed Week,
Rita - Momma Koehler

Menu Plan: March 7th - 13th

Monday: Chicken and Noodles (Just follow my Chicken and Pastry Recipe but use Elbow Macaroni instead of the dumplings) Veggie's
Tuesday: We will see what tomorrow brings maybe take out!
Wednesday: Baked Chicken, Potato Salad*NEW*, Steamed Cabbage*NEW*
Thursday: Roast w/ Veggies *NEW*
Friday: Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday: *Out*
Sunday: The Big Easy Jambalaya*NEW* or Grilled Shrimp w/ Yum Yum Pasta*NEW*\


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