Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Amazing Scrambled Eggs

Good Morning,

It hit me this morning that it's August ALREADY. Wow time sure does fly by once you have a kid around the house. I can't believe that in a little over 4 months Christmas will be here and a little over 5 months my baby girl is going to be 2 years old :0!

Not much planned for me today. Got a whole bunch of laundry that needs to be folded and hung and I should really sweep, mop, and vacuum also. Still trying to figure out what is on our menu for tonight. I had plans to do a recipe with a whole chicken but forgot to take it out for it to be thawed out. So, I highly doubt that it thaws before time to cook!

Anyways, I wanted to blog this morning and share some amazing scrambled eggs. I got the idea for adding milk to eggs to make them light and fluffy and amazing from I wanna say it was Paula Dean.

Also if you want to spice this recipe up a bit don't be scared to add a sprinkle of onion/garlic powder and/or some cheese. You can also use this to make omelets and scrambles. We love scrambles around here, just cook your breakfast meat of choice and add in your scrambled egg mixture and cook till eggs are cooked through. You can serve with grits, rice, toast, or a biscuit.

Amazing Scrambled Eggs
6 eggs
2 Tablespoon of Milk (It's 1tsp per egg)
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt & Pepper

1.Whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper.

2.Melt Butter in a Sauce Pan.

3.Pour egg mixture in the pan.

4. Cook on Medium to Medium High, Stir Constantly until eggs are cooked through. They will no long look wet.

This was my breakfast this morning. Egg wrap w/ 1 tablespoon light Mirical Whip.

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