Monday, February 28, 2011

Menu Plan February 28th - March 6th

Happy Monday to you all,

The weather here in South-Eastern NC has been just beautiful besides the strong winds but we are loving all the sunshine!

Saturday night me and Josh (My husband) went to our first Hockey Game, Fireantz Vs. Cottonmounths! It was great we were rooting for the Fireantz but they lost 1 to 3! Maybe next time :]

Sunday we spent some time with family. My uncle cooked a dinner to die for lol it was amazing!

Today me and Khloey (My Daughter) went to town and had breakfast with my Cousin Libby & Her Youngest daughter Melanie(4) at the FABULOUS Waffle Kitchen. Their breakfast is so good. Libby is 38 weeks pregnant and found out today at her doctor’s appt the baby is breach and if she does not turn they will be doing a Ce-Section March 9th. So praying that baby turns so she does not have to go thru that. I will be in the room with her either way and I am really looking forward to that!!

Weight-Loss Journey Up-Date: So this past week me and a friend started an exercise routine! We are walking 2 miles a day! And I can already tell a difference! We are going to walk the 2 miles a day for 2 weeks, then go up to 3 miles so on and so forth! I only weight myself every 2 months so The next time I weight will be in April so we will see then how far I have come then!!

Let’s see what else hmmm, I am guessing that’s all for now! Here is your Menu Plan for this week! :]

Menu Plan February 28 - March 6th

Monday- T-Bone Steak (Grilled), Salad, & Grilled Corn on the Comb
Tuesday- Easy Chicken Fajita’s
Wednesday- Roast w/ Potato’s & Baby Carrots
Thursday- Whole Stuffed Chicken & A Veggie
Friday-BBQ Chicken Pizza
Saturday- NS “NOT SURE”
Sunday- NS

Calorie Info for steaks is here: and here: When eating steaks its all about the portion Control! I cut my steak after it is cooked to fit just the palm of my hand! :] Hope this helps a little! You don’t have to suffer just lower your portion size :]
I also found this Dessert Recipe! I will be trying this soon!!! Check it out! “No Dirty Dishes” Chocolate Cake

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